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The KonMari Methodâ„¢, created by Japanese organising guru Marie Kondo, is an approach to decluttering and organising your home.  It guides you through 5 steps to create a home that supports your ideal lifestyle – by removing clutter you gain space and time to enjoy the things you love. 

As a Master-level certified KonMari consultant, I’ll work closely with you, helping you declutter your home and life so you can focus on the things that are important to you.  Whether you're looking to work through your whole home or just tackle a few categories, we'll get it sorted and create easy-to-maintain systems to keep your space looking and feeling just how you like it. 

You'll be amazed at how decluttering and rightsizing your home with Marie Kondo’s Method has a ripple effect across all areas of your life.  The focus on what brings you joy and happiness can lead to a more mindful approach to your lifestyle and how you spend your time.

Marie Kondo and KonMari Consultant Sue Spencer

The KonMari Method isn't just for your home.
It's about sparking joy in all aspects of your life.



What are the 5 steps of the KonMari Method?

As I guide you through a one-to-one decluttering and organising session we'll work through the 5 steps of the KonMari Method

  1. I'll encourage you to think about your Ideal Lifestyle (how you want your home to look / feel, and the things you enjoy doing) - this will guide your decluttering.

  2. You make positive choices about keeping possessions that "Spark Joy" rather than specifically looking for items to discard.  The aim is to surround yourself with things you love and use.

  3. We organise by category (clothes, books, papers, komono/miscellaneous items, sentimental) rather than by location.  Gathering all items from the category together means that it’s easier to uncover duplication and make decisions about what to keep.

  4. Tidy in the right category order: Starting with easier categories (clothes, books) and moving on to more difficult ones, like sentimental items, once you're used to making decisions about what to keep or discard.

  5. Always declutter before focusing on storage.  We often reuse current storage and will make sure you find a home for everything, making it easy to keep on top of things in the future.

Heart shaped dishes in a drawer

Download your FREE KonMari "declutter your home" checklist

My KonMari Category Tidying Checklist guides you through decluttering your home, one category at a time.

KonMari Decluttering checklist
  • Remember to tidy in category order
  • Keep the items that fit your ideal lifestyle or 'Spark Joy'.

  • I'm here to help with your decluttering and organising project, find out more

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"Having spent years sorting and never really getting anywhere I became aware of Marie Kondo's method. However, it was only when my sessions with Marie Kondo consultant Sue, that the real lessons began and now I feel I've started to change and only keep what I love and will use!"

L Jones - Surrey

Does the KonMari Method work?

Sue Spencer reading Marie Kondos book

Before decluttering with the KonMari Method™ I struggled to let go of items as I worried I might need them in the future.  Tidying by category helped to overcome this as, for the first time, I could see everything I had, giving me the confidence I had other items I preferred to use or wear rather than hold on to things just in case.

I love how Marie Kondo's Method encourages you to look at your possessions in a new way by asking whether items Spark Joy.  Choosing which items to keep, rather than which to discard, really turned the decluttering process on its head for me - it's such a positive way to decide what you have in your home.

I've personally found that the focus on what sparks joy and brings happiness into your life extends beyond organising your home and can lead to a more mindful approach to your lifestyle.

As a Marie Kondo Consultant, it's a pleasure to share the KonMari Method with my clients, helping them declutter and organise their spaces to create homes they love.

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